AT&T CEO not hiding the fact his company is trying to disrupt the current TV model

As you would expect, AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson thinks that letting his company snap up Time Warner will be great for everyone, especially AT&T. In his prepared testimony [PDF], Stephenson said that together, the two companies “will disrupt the entrenched pay-TV models,” give consumers more options, increase competition for cable TV providers, and, somehow, speed up the development and deployment of 5G wireless networks.

Source: AT&T CEO: Letting Us Buy Time Warner Will “Disrupt” TV, Be “Good For Consumers” – Consumerist

About the Author

Chris Broussard
I'm the Co-Founder and President of Tematica Research and editor of Thematic Signals, which aims to uncover confirming data points and items to watch for our list of investing themes. Whether its a news item, video clip, or company commentary, we've included this full list of items literally "ripped from the headlines." I have been involved in financial services marketing and publishing for over 20 years – having held senior level positions with financial publishers, financial services corporations and providing marketing support and consulting services to financial institutions and independent financial advisors. My background in digital marketing, financial services and consumer research provides me with a unique perspective on how to uncover the underlying proof points that are driving the themes our Chief Investment Officer Chris Versace utilizes in our various Tematica publications.

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