Only by Thinking Differently Than the Herd Can Investors Outperform the Market

Only by Thinking Differently Than the Herd Can Investors Outperform the Market


For the month of July, the S&P 500 finished up 3.6 percent, which was better than the 2.8 percent move registered by the Dow Jones Industrial Average in July, but well below the 6.6 percent jump in the Nasdaq Composite Index.

While the Wall Street herd would point to “technology” rebounding strongly over the last month, we here at Tematica are more likely to point to the strong moves in 10 of our 17 proprietary investing themes during July. Double digit moves were had in both Asset-Lite Business Models as well as Fountain of Youth during the past month, and we saw high single digit returns from our Tooling & Re-tooling as well as our Safety & Security themes as well.

While we are generally not fans of braggarts, we will let the performance of our investing themes speak for itself. At the end of July, year to date the S&P 500 was 6.3 percent vs. 5.8 percent for the Dow Jones Industrial Average and just 3.1 percent for the Nasdaq Composite Index.

By comparison, 15 of our 17 proprietary investment themes in The Thematic Index outperformed those major market indices during the first seven months of 2016, with 10 investment themes delivering double digits returns.

To quote the infamous Larry David of HBO’s Curb Your Enthusiasm fame . . . “That’s pretty, pretty, pretty good.”




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About the Author

Chris Broussard
I'm the Co-Founder and President of Tematica Research and editor of Thematic Signals, which aims to uncover confirming data points and items to watch for our list of investing themes. Whether its a news item, video clip, or company commentary, we've included this full list of items literally "ripped from the headlines." I have been involved in financial services marketing and publishing for over 20 years – having held senior level positions with financial publishers, financial services corporations and providing marketing support and consulting services to financial institutions and independent financial advisors. My background in digital marketing, financial services and consumer research provides me with a unique perspective on how to uncover the underlying proof points that are driving the themes our Chief Investment Officer Chris Versace utilizes in our various Tematica publications.

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