Retail Sales Data for the Month of May Confirms Several Thematic Investment Themes

Retail Sales Data for the Month of May Confirms Several Thematic Investment Themes

This morning we received the May Retail Sales Report, which missed headline expectations (-0.3% month over month vs. the +0.1% consensus) as well as adjusted figures that exclude autos sales for the month (-0.3% month over month vs. +0.2% consensus). Despite the usual holiday promotional activity, retail sales in May were the weakest in 16 months due in part to lower gasoline prices, which had their biggest drop in over a year. In our view, the report confirms the challenging environment for brick & mortar retailers, despite those lower gas prices, while also affirms our decision not to participate in the space with the Tematica Select List as there were some bright spots below that headline miss.

Almost across the board, all retail categories were either essentially flat or down in May compared to April. The exception? Nonstore retail sales, clothing, and furniture — and nonstore obviously mostly comprised of online retailers since the Sears catalog isn’t in the mailbox too often these days. Comparing May 2017 retail sales to year-ago levels offers a different picture – nearly all categories were up with a couple of exceptions, the most notable being department stores. Again, more confirmation to the “why” behind recent news from mainstays of U.S. mall retailers like Macy’s (M), Michael Kors (KORS), Gymboree Corp. (GYMB) and Sears (SHLD).

Some interesting callouts from the report include that year over year, nonstore retail sales rose 10.2% percent, which brings the trailing 3-month year over year comparison for the category to 11.4%. This data simply confirms the continued shift toward digital commerce that is part of our Connected Society investing theme and is a big positive for our positions in Amazon (AMZN), Alphabet (GOOGL) and United Parcel Service (UPS).

We only see this shift to digital accelerating even more as we head into Back to School shopping season in the coming weeks and before too long the year-end holiday shopping season. While it is way early for a guesstimate on year-end holiday spending, eMarketer has published its view on Back to School spending this year and calls for it to grow 4 percent year over year to $857.2 billion. If that forecast holds, it will mean Back to School spending will account for roughly 17 percent of eMarketer’s 2017 retail sales forecast for all of 2017.

Not ones to be satiated with just the headlines, digging into the report we find more confirmation for our Connected Society investing theme – eMarketer sees e-commerce related Back to School shopping growing far faster, increasing 14.8% to $74.03 billion in 2017. As we like to say, perspective and context are essential, and in this case, should that e-commerce forecast hold it would mean Back to School e-commerce sales would account for 8.6% of total retail sales (online and offline) for the period, up from 7.8% last year.


The Connected Society Won’t Be the Only Theme In Play for Back to School Shopping

Given the last several monthly retail sales reports, as well as the increasing debt load carried by consumers, we strongly suspect our Cash-strapped Consumer theme will also be at play this Back to School shopping season, just like it was last year. In its 2016 findings, the National Retail Federation found that “48% of surveyed parents said they were influenced by coupons, up five percentage points from the prior year, while others said they planned to take advantage of in-store promotions and advertising inserts, and 53% said they would head to discount stores to finish prepping for the new school year.”

With consumer credit card debt topping $1 trillion, consumers are likely to once again use coupons, shop sales and hunt for deals, and that bodes very well for the shift to digital shopping. With Amazon increasingly becoming the go-to destination for accessories, books and video, computers and electronics, office equipment, sporting goods and increasingly apparel, we see it continuing to gain wallet share over the coming months.


Food with Integrity Theme Seen in Retail Sales Report As Well

Getting back to the May Retail Sales report, another positive was the 2.2% year on year increase in grocery stores compared to data published by the National Restaurant Association that paints a rather difficult environment for restaurant companies. The latest BlackBox snapshot report, which is based on weekly sales data from over 27,000 restaurant units, and 155 brands) found May was another disappointing month for chain restaurants across the board. Per the report, May same-store sales were down -1.1% and traffic dropped by 3.0% in May. With that in mind, we’d mention that last night Cheesecake Factory (CAKE) lowered its Q2 same restaurant comp guidance to down approximately -1%. This is a reduction from prior guidance of between 1% and 2%.

Stepping back and putting these datasets together, we continue to feel very good about our position in Food with Integrity company Amplify Snacks (BETR), as well as spice maker McCormicks & Co (MKS) as more people are eating at home, shopping either at grocery stores or online via Amazon Fresh and other grocery services. Paired with the shifting consumer preference for “better for you” snacks and food paves the way for Amplify as it broadens its product offering and expands its reach past the United States. As we shared in yesterday’s weekly update, United Natural Foods (UNFI) should also be enjoying this wave, but the company recently lowered its revenue guidance, so we’re putting UNFI under the microscope as we speak and we could very well be shifting our capital soon.


May Data From ADP and Challenger Offer Confirmation for Several Tematica Select List Positions

May Data From ADP and Challenger Offer Confirmation for Several Tematica Select List Positions

This morning we received the Challenger Job Cuts Report as well as ADP’s view on May job creation for the private sector. While ADP’s take that 253,000 jobs were created during the month, a nice boost from April and more in line with 1Q 2017 levels, we were reminded that all is not peachy keen with Challenger’s May findings. That report showed just under 52,000 jobs were cut during the month, a large step up from 36,600 in April, with the bulk of the increase due unsurprisingly to retail and auto companies.

As Challenger noted in the report, nearly 40% of the May layoffs were due to Ford (F), but the balance was wide across the retail landscape with big cuts at Macy’s (M), The Limited, Sears (SHLD), JC Penney (JCP) and Lowe’s (LOW) as well as others like Hhgregg and Wet Seal that have announced bankruptcy. In total, retailers continued to announce the most job cuts this year with just under 56,000 for the first five months of 2017. With yesterday’s news that Michael Kors (KORS) will shut 100 full-price retail locations over the next two years, we continue to see more pain ahead at the mall and fewer retail jobs to be had.

Sticking with the Challenger report, one of the items that jumped out to us was the call out that,

“Grocery stores are no longer immune from online shopping. Meal delivery services and Amazon are competing with traditional grocers, and Amazon announced it is opening its first ever brick-and mortar store in Seattle. Amazon Go, which mixes online technology and the in-store experience, is something to keep an eye on since it may potentially change the grocery store shopping experience considerably, “


In our view, this means the creative destruction that has plagued print media and retail brought on by Amazon (AMZN) is set to disrupt yet another industry, and it’s one of the reasons we’ve opted out of both grocery and retail stocks. The likely question on subscriber minds is what does this mean for our Amplify Snack Brands (BETR) position? In our view, we see little threat to Amplify’s business; if anything we see it’s mix of shipments skewing more toward online over time. Not a bad thing from a cost perspective. We’d also note that United Natural Foods (UNFI) is a partner with Amazon as well.

  • Our price target on Amazon (AMZN) remains $1,100 and offers more than 10% upside from current levels.
  • Amplify Snack Brands (BETR) has an $11 price target and is a Buy at current levels.
  • Our target on United Natual Foods (UNFI) is $65, and the recent pullback over the last six weeks enhances the long-term upside to be had.

We’d also note comments from Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG) that its recent cybersecurity attack hit most Chipotle restaurants allowing hackers to steal credit card information from customers. In a recent blog post, Chipotle copped to the fact the malware that it was hit with infected cash registers, capturing information stored on the magnetic strip on credit cards. Chipotle said that “track data” sometimes includes the cardholder’s name, card number, expiration date and internal verification code. We see this as another reminder of the down side of what we call both our increasingly connected society and the shift toward cashless consumption. It also serves as a reminder of the long-tail demand associated with cyber security, and a nice confirmation point for the position PureFunds ISE Cyber Security ETF (HACK) shares on the Tematica Select List.

  • Our price target on PureFunds ISE Cyber Security ETF (HACK) shares remains $35.


Consumers Spend More in December, But Ouch Those Revolving Debt Levels Sure Could Hurt

Consumers Spend More in December, But Ouch Those Revolving Debt Levels Sure Could Hurt

This morning the US Bureau of Economic Analysis published its take on Personal Income & Spending for December. We’re rather fond of this monthly report given the data contained within and the implications for several of our investment themes, including Cash-strapped Consumers as well as Affordable Luxury and the Rise & Fall of the Middle Class. 

So what did the December report show?

Personal Income rose 0.3 percent, far faster than in November, but still below the 0.4-0.5 percentage gains registered in September and October. We saw the same pattern with Disposable Income (which is a better barometer for discretionary spending), as one would expect to see during the holiday shopping laden month of December.

That’s as good a segue as any to remind our readers that holiday shopping during November and December came in stronger than the National Retail Federation had forecasted. The final tally was a year over year increase of 4.0 percent compared to the NRF’s 3.6 percent forecast.

Now you’re probably saying to yourself, “How can that be given all the bad news that we’ve been hearing from Macy’s (M), Target  (TGT), Kohl’s (KSS), Sears (SHLD) and other brick and mortar retailers?”

To be honest, we doubt the average person would have thrown in the “other brick and mortar retailers” part, but we know our readers are smarter than the average bear.

The answer to that question is that non-store sales, Commerce Department verbiage for e-tailers like Amazon (AMNZ), eBay (EBAY) and digital Direct to Consumer business like those found at Macy’s, Under Armour (UAA), Nike (NKE) and other retailers, rose 12.6 percent year over year to $122.9 billion. We certainly like those stats as they confirm several aspects of our Connected Society investing theme, but we would argue a more telling take on the data is that non-store sales accounted for 19 percent of holiday shopping in 2016, up from 17 percent the year before. Nearly one-in-five shopping dollars was spent through online or mobile shopping.

We’ll get a better sense of this shift, which we only see as accelerating, later this week when both United Parcel Service (UPS) and Amazon report their quarterly results for the December quarter. Team Tematica will also be listening to Direct to Consumer comments from Under Armour and other apparel and footwear companies as they too report quarterly results over the next few weeks.

Now let’s take a look at December Personal Spending – it rose 0.5 percent, a tick higher than was expected. Given the NRF data above, it was rather likely we were going to get a better print vs. expectations.

In combining both the income and spending data for the month, we get the savings rate, which fell to 5.4 percent, a five-month low. Compared to a few years ago, that savings level looks rather solid even though it’s well below the longer-term trend line. What we do find somewhat disconcerting, given the prospects for the Fed to boost interest rates up to three times this year after only doing so just two times in the last two years, is the amount of revolving consumer debt outstanding. As evidenced in the graph below, those levels have continued to climb steadily higher during 2015 and 2016.

Should interest rates move higher in 2017, the incremental interest expense could crimp consumer wallets, reducing their disposable income in the process. To us, that could mean less Affordable Luxury or even Guilty Pleasure spending as more become Cash-strapped Consumers.